Sunday 28 October 2018

The British Open - London - 18/11/2018

Hi again,

Apologies for writing twice in a day, but thought it best to keep the 2 things separate. The British Open competition this year will be held at Kidbrooke in London on Sunday 18th October. If you are interested in taking part, please take a look at the information sheet attached, let me know what events you want to take part in and also who your kata partner is.

Whilst the British Open is open to everyone, I personally recommend dojo members are a minimum of 3rd kyu before taking part in randori. 

I will be sending off the dojo registration form on Thursday 8th November so you have until then to let me know if you want to enter. 

If there are any questions/queries let me know.


P.S. On a different note, Hyper Japan is taking place in London the same weekend as the Open. Hyper Japan Saturday and British Open Sunday?

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